The absolute STAR at field was Maker & Daniel, 1st dog, 1st dog event, 1st water mark and we heard they were crackin in Unsteady Singles A, so PROUD of them!

In field Nate & Mike made it to the 3rd series in the Qualifying FT, JAM’d Steady Singles and nailed the first series in MH and earned his WCX, not so shabby for a 3-1/2 old!! Nate & Mike also Qd and placed 2nd in T2B and JWW!

Ella & Diana stepped up to the plate in Q (very proud), JAM’d Steady Singles and earned a WCX! They then showed beautifully in BOB!

Bob & Keeper earned a JH leg and their WC!! Jill & Keeper then went on to finish his Rally Novice title!

Our guys were good, Derby did a nice job and JAM’d USS and earned a JH leg, Snitch got her very first JH leg and Pink got a JH leg run by handler extraordinaire Marilyn Wilcox 😉 The girls all showed well in the breed ring also.

In Sweepstakes Tempe and Janice won 1st place in a lovely 11+ class, qualified in Rally and Obedience to earn a 3 Rivers award!! She was also placed 4th in her regular 11+ class.

Tilt & Kris went High in Trial out of Open A, what a huge accomplishment anytime, but especially at a Specialty!! They also looked awesome in BOB and they also earned a Three Rivers Award!!!.

Xander & Bari qualified in Rally and Novice and made a cut in BOB earning themselves a Three Rivers Award! 

Our friends Amy & KD JAM’d USS and earned a JH leg!!