“S” Litter

Meet the “S” Litter kids:
Victory’s Smooth Sailing
“Cat”Judy Gladson & Tracey Fudge -
Victory’s Spirit of Kentucky TKN
“Maker” (Mr Black)Daniel and Linda Burch, Kentucky -
Victory Simply Ajax
“Ajax”Natalie & Rob Niewoehner, Maryland -
Victory’s Still Dark Waters NTD DSA DN
“Douglas” (Mr Blue)Savannah Simon, Connecticut -
Victory Surreal Saxon Jaxon
“Jaxon” (Mr White)Lisa & Ray Murphey, Oregon -
Victory’s Sea Pumpkin in the Sand (Pumpkin)
“Tera” (Ms Pumpkin)Greta Stamberg & Family, Maryland -
Victory’s Schools Out for the Summer
“Cooper” (Mr Green)The LaPunzina Family, New York -
Victory’s Staff Sergeant CDX JH MHU BCAT WCX
“Sarge” (Ms Purple)Steve and Betsy Suprenant, Maryland -
CH Victory’s Scotch N Soda CD JH WC
“Peat” (Mr Orange)Don & Susan Bierer, North Carolina -
Victory Sweet Rikki Moon
“Rikki” (Ms Yellow)Welby Moon, Virginia