2023 News…
Awesome new, Kris & Tilt are now OTCH!! a huge deal and we are so proud of them!!!
Steve and Sarge got 2 MHU passes, yahoo!!
Derby has her Piston babies on August 13, 6 girls & 4 boys!
Kris Main & Tilt earn a perfect score of 200 in Utility B, wowweee…
Mary & Lola take BOS at the big supported entry in the PNW!!
Pink & I finished her Senior Hunter in style, on to Master!!
Mary & Lola (Storm x Jelly) finish her CH, yahooo!!
Steve reports that Emma (Captain x Freya) is officially the highest titled retriever in the AKC Upland tests, what an incredible accomplishment, we are so proud of them!! We hear she earned a cheeseburger for that accomplishment.
Steve and Sarge (Cody x Bliss) finished her CDX and Kris and Tilt (Doc x Bliss) finished his UDX, all at MSDA, congrats to both teams!
Ella is in season and will be bred soon to Rocky, follow along on Future Litters for updates.
Spirit also earned 3 majors towards her GCH in her first weekend out as a CH, thanks again to Silver Lining!
Spirit finished her CH with 3 majors, thanks to Silver Lining Farm for the good care, conditioning and handling of our girl!
Kris and Tilt (Doc x Bliss) got a 199.5 in Utility and a 200 in Open today!!! Holy cow I can’t even imagine, what an awesome team!!